Get paid in 3 weeks!
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
We can set up a secure RIS platform
with your practice!
Is your radiology practice in a financial mess? Hate the fact that you have to juggle too many responsibilities at the same time? Trust MedicalBillingStar to help you out. We offer radiology billing solutions that can bring in the lost checks and help you bid a relived goodbye to denied claims.
Which code goes in where can confound a lot many people. We assign appropriate primary and secondary diagnosis codes, and codes for technical and professional components of a procedure .POS codes also play a vital role in radiology billing but mostly overlooked. Well, we don’t overlook a single code or detail and bring not just expertise but perfection and lots of passion to our job.
We Can Interface With Your EMR And RIS SystemSo now you don’t have to lose sleep over technical issues. We can interface with all major EMR, EHR and practice management systems and, do it without charging you a cent for it ! Our technical team can set up a secure communication platform with the RIS system of your hospital or clinic.
We’ve worked with radiologists, sonographers, imaging centers, scan centers and have not just promised, but provided the very best radiology billing support. Being experienced at what we do certainly has its advantages as all our clients not just stay with us but refer our services as well.
Secure To Work WithWe offer leading edge security solutions and are HIPAA compliant. We have you covered, and offer best of class informational security of your data. Our data security team monitors and regulates every access to your information.
Certainly Not An Expensive ExperimentWhen you work with us you are not signing up for an expensive experiment. We process your claims in less than 48 hours, manage and reduce your outstanding AR and increase your cashflow. And none of it is an empty promise.
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Get the advantage of 24/7 support. Accelerate your billing cycle, now!
Your revenue stream is secure as we have 7 certified teams
Start testing ICD10 and send out claims with our ICD10 specialists