Get paid in 3 weeks!
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Your privacy matters a lot to us. We follow stringent privacy measures to ensure your data is received, used, and transmitted, inline with all data security guidelines. This information is provided to help you better understand how we receive and make use of your information. And the steps we offer to provide a safer working environment for all of us.
We do not request for any personal information from our clients. Pertinent information that can be personally identifiable such as name and contact numbers, are collected only for starting an account with us and facilitating better communication. We do not share any of your details on our websites, social networking accounts, or with third parties.
MedicalBillingStar cannot be held responsible for the cookies used, information provided or the authenticity of our business affiliates or advertising partners. Some of our web pages contain links to other sites. We encourage our clients to read the privacy policies and cross check information of the sites.
To coordinate with your staff and verify information, our client support executives communicate via the contact information provided by you. We ensure that all calls made to our clients are monitored and there is a log maintained citing the reason for the call and duration, from our staff. We discourage our employees to seek information that is not relevant or necessary for our work process.
Any communication from our clients, such as queries and feedbacks, are used for marketing, promotional or research purposes, only after prior consent.
We use encrypted passwords and your information is accessed, shared and transferred under strict surveillance, amongst authorized personnel for the sole purpose of aiding and customizing our workflow. We request our clients not to share their confidential MedicalBillingStar password or account details with third parties or unauthenticated personnel.
Our privacy policies are subject to change without prior notice, to keep up with changing regulations and needs. Please visit our site often. We update any changes to our policy immediately and regularly. We consider it our client's or site user's responsibility to update themselves on the changes.
If there is a query or concern please let us know. Call us at 1 - 877 - 272 - 1572 or fill an online form.
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Get the advantage of 24/7 support. Accelerate your billing cycle, now!
Your revenue stream is secure as we have 7 certified teams
Start testing ICD10 and send out claims with our ICD10 specialists