Get paid in 3 weeks!
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
AAPC certified experts who can
help you transition to ICD10!
It’s time for health care facilities to swim against the tide as payers use versatile technologies to screen your claims. With MedicalBillingStar’s effective medical coding, you get paid much faster for all your raised claims. We assist you in sending clear and clean insurance claims the very first time. This ensures the maximum re-imbursement at the minimum time possible.
Make sure that your medical coding and re-imbursement strategies act in accordance with that of the payer’s re-imbursement rules and acquiescence. By sending clean and clear claims on-time through MedicalBillingStar, you not only hoard time but get paid faster as well.
If you think only a coder can do a better billing, the solution is MedicalbillingStar.Yes, it is our certified coders do your complete billing to guarantee 98% of claim payment within 30 days.
Medical coding is generally coined as “claims scrubbing” or “code scrubbing”. This is a technology way-out that authorizes your insurance claims against ever-refining federal rules and regulations. This way, you can filter out the inaccuracies in the claims and set right the same prior to submission. With this stupendous technology, you get rid of the tiring insurance claim rejections and denials.Also reviewing rejected claims and re-submitting the same is also curtailed to a greater extent.
We perform instantaneous code checks to confirm each and every claim against stringent government coding standards and other payer-specific reimburse rules and regulations. Our instantaneous code check includes,
CCI edit validation
CPT coding
CPT / HCPCS code and modifier evaluation
CPT / HCPCS code sequencing
LCD – Local coverage decision
NCD- National coverage decision
Our medical coding service with experts is all-inclusive with huge knowledgebase in coding, compliance and other re-imbursement rules related to government and private insurance payers as well. At Medicalbillingstar, we stay at the rim of technology ever. We know the real game and its rules. That is why we are one of the most sought out service providers in the market.
Your claims are scrubbed and submitted, in fact, with fewer slip-ups and lapses. This obviously means quicker TAT and hardly any rejected claims. We utilize refined technologies to check and ensure that your claims are clean before submission.
MedicalBillingStar is a precursor in the medical billing and coding specialist field. We are exceptional enough to pre-adjudicate before submitting your claims. We are aware of the ‘nuts and bolts’ that provoke the payers to pay. To know more about our “winning manthra” in terms of medical coding and technology call us@ 1 - 877 - 272 - 1572 or fill out the form here.
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Get the advantage of 24/7 support. Accelerate your billing cycle, now!
Your revenue stream is secure as we have 7 certified teams
Start testing ICD10 and send out claims with our ICD10 specialists