Get paid in 3 weeks!
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Physicians across Florida are not a happy lot. Reimbursement rates are down and there are more regulations to comply with. Would you believe us if we told, you can be home in time, to catch your favourite show ? That it is possible to run a profitable practice without manic working days ?
Yes, it is. MedicalBillingStar has helped Florida physicians to maximize revenue, and to cut down on working hours and operational costs. And increase their patient volume.
If ever there was a geek biller it is us ! We are hooked onto Healthcare IT. Whatever the EMR/EHR/PMS system you use, we can work with it efficiently. We also offer free PMS integration support and the cost saving free EMR Subscription Offer.
Every medical data received or transmitted is thoroughly encrypted. All our servers and networks are password locked and secure. We are in complete compliance with HIPAA and HL7 norms. So, it does make sense to work with us.
“I was completely snowed under with work before working with MedicalBillingStar. Now am relieved that I’m no longer the one who has to fight with insurers over rejected claims and handle complicated payer contracts. A great shot in the arm for my practice.”- Danny Wise. Paediatrician, Florida.
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Get the advantage of 24/7 support. Accelerate your billing cycle, now!
Your revenue stream is secure as we have 7 certified teams
Start testing ICD10 and send out claims with our ICD10 specialists