Get paid in 3 weeks!
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
An EHR was supposed to change the way you work. Help you provide more personalized healthcare. And automate your day to day workflow. But instead you get a bunch of complicated templates and cookie cutter notes that have no clinical relevance.
The major complaint leveled against EHRs is that they don't offer solutions that are customized to client needs. And EMR/EHR vendors don't give a wet slap about it.
MedicalBillingStar has worked with hundreds of Family Practices over the years, and there is no one who understands your unique needs better than us. Our expert and certified EHR support team will customize every part of your EMR/EHR interface. We include specialty and practice specific functionalities that will result in better clinical and financial performance.
Get used to easy to use, one-click templates that are Family Practice specific. And forget all about cloned or incomplete documentation. We have customized the template and workflow structure of most EMR systems such as:
Templates that physicians fill and the boxes they tick, have a strong impact in the medical decision making process. According to a survey by Family Practice Management 24% of the physicians surveyed felt EHRs had a negative effect on the physicians' ability to focus on patient care. 36% of physicians were dissatisfied with the vendor support they were offered.
Our customized Family Practice templates will help you focus on what you do best, care for patients. And we offer 24/7 medical billing and EHR customization support.
To avail of free and best of class EHR customization services for Family Practices give us a buzz anytime today! at 1-877-272-1572 or mail us at info@medicalbillingstar.com
We process you claims and ensure that you get paid within just 21 days!
Get the advantage of 24/7 support. Accelerate your billing cycle, now!
Your revenue stream is secure as we have 7 certified teams
Start testing ICD10 and send out claims with our ICD10 specialists