Big changes in the healthcare landscape are affecting the way small medical practices function. By now all that dust about whether an emr can contribute directly towards more profits and better patient care has died down. Discussion forums are abuzz with practice managers seeking out everybody’s two cents on the best emrs around before taking the plunge.
The Biggest Check a Small Practice Owner is ever going to Sign !
Most small single physician practices make do with basic technological infrastructure to get by. Investing in a system that is pretty expensive and not being sure about the ROI is the biggest nightmare for physicians. And signing the check for the emr is the first of many expenses.
Training and Recruiting Staff…
Medical practices will have to implement a training program for staff to understand and work with electronic medical records. Most small facilities are understaffed and a new emr calls for recruiting more people to handle and manage the system. Needless to say, this means big bucks. But the question is, are costs the only factor that is making small practices, stand at the end of the queue?
My Eight Hours are Packed !
Small practices unlike their bigger counterparts do not have separate teams to handle different departments. Physicians juggle a lot many tasks and researching on a new emr means serious cutbacks on time. It could mean seeing fewer patients a day, which would adversely affect collections. With hardly any time to breathe or fix up that faulty heater, it is going to be tough for physicians, to go shopping for an emr and come back with the best deal.
Can Having an Automated Appointment Scheduler help ?
Depends on how many patients you meet per day. If your receptionist can juggle your appointments with a smile, let her. There are a lot of physicians who realize that the features they were so excited about during the implementation stage are features they’re never going to use. It is lack of emr knowledge, expertise and the fear of making the wrong choice that is holding most doctors back.
Is, Trusting a Consultant a huge Leap of Faith ?
In a world where two out of three people you meet claims to be an expert consultant; it is certainly a risky proposition. And it could be expensive as well. Opt for certified consultants. Spend a whole day on the net reading up about emrs to show them they’re dealing with a tough customer. And finally request your physician billing EMR services company to help you analyze current operational expenses and profitability benchmarks, and how implementing an emr can help drive up profits.
In the long run it is the time and energy we invest before taking a decision that ultimately pays off !
Small practice. Small practices are ona limited budget. EMR programs are beneficial to any medical healthcare group, dr offices , you cannot locate an inexpensive program. Back to drawing board,drs hand written dictation….. cost,