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To error is human, but, to report it took super human efforts, until recently. A recent study by the Perelman school of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, confirms that reporting errors leads to a safer medical practice.
As frontline healthcare workers, physicians fear, losing credibility or possible intimidation. And, are dubbed as, “reluctant partners” when it comes to reporting medical errors. This finding is hoped to open the doors for more open communication within a medical practice.
I’d Rather tell My Friend !
Error reporting systems in most healthcare facilities frustrate and limit physicians. Most hospitals do not have a structured reporting system, for physicians to report errors. Though all healthcare facilities have a reporting system in place, they are hardly what doctors hope for.
Not just a Fancy Asset…
The reason why most reporting systems fail is that they’re, like that vase of pansies in the reception, just a fancy asset in most practices. They don’t guarantee privacy and reporting anonymously is not an option at all. This lack of privacy can in effect harm patients and the security of patient data.
Speaking up !
As the awareness about the need for efficient reporting systems increases, it is high time that hospitals set up a system that their staff are, comfortable with. Building baseline data on errors can lead to higher efficiency and healthier patients.
Every physician setting up a new practice should, apart from concentrating on low cost insurance credentialing services , recruiting and payrolls, also set up an efficient reporting system !
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